Tesla rolls out Park Assist measurement for vision-only cars with 2022.45.11

A known Tesla hacker has observed that the electric vehicle maker is rolling out Park Assist distance measurement features to cars that are not equipped with ultrasonic sensors. 

This weekend, @greentheonly, one of the electric vehicle community’s most well-known Tesla hackers, observed that update 2022.45.11 seemed to include a vision-based park assist system. As noted by the hacker, Tesla Vision’s Park Assist provides visual and audio alerts of surrounding objects. It also uses the occupancy network to predict high-definition outlines of objects around the vehicle. 

Ok yeah so it’s 2022.45.11 (was a typo before).
Also park assist as the release notes say, not autopark that I typed while in autotweet mode.

— green (@greentheonly) March 19, 2023

The Tesla hacker shared an image of the vision-only Park Assist system in his post, which hints that the system also appears to be measuring the distance to objects situated at the side of the car. This suggests that the vision-based system may eventually be superior to Tesla’s previous solution, as ultrasonic sensors are only placed at the front and rear of vehicles. 

it only has 360º view far away from the car front, while the USS has a close up view. As such they would be complementary where the sum of them both is better than any one of them in isolation.

— green (@greentheonly) March 19, 2023

As noted by the Tesla hacker, the new Park Assist system is only available for cars that are not equipped with ultrasonic sensors. The feature also appears to be only rolling out only to customers in the United States and Canada, and to drivers who have purchased FSD and have applied for access to the FSD Beta program. 

yes, it’s live for people that paid for the FSDC and live in US/Canada and applied for the FSDBeta access.
but there’s no real way to force it I know of that’s accessible to regular customers.

— green (@greentheonly) March 19, 2023

Tesla’s removal of ultrasonic sensors from its vehicles last year resulted in some features being temporarily limited or disabled on cars that adopt a vision-only approach. These features, as per Tesla’s blog post about the update, were Summon, Smart Summon, Autopark, and Park Assist. Among the four, Park Assist seemed to be the easiest to implement, as it is designed to alert drivers of surrounding objects when traveling less than 5 mph. 

In comparison, Autopark, which automatically maneuvers into parallel or perpendicular parking spaces; Summon, which manually moves vehicles forward or in reverse via the Tesla app; and Smart Summon, which navigates vehicles to a location via the Tesla app, all involve features that physically move vehicles without direct driver input. Considering that Park Assist for vision-only vehicles has been released, it might only be a matter of time before Autopark, Summon, and Smart Summon are rolled out to vehicles Teslas without ultrasonic sensors as well. 

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